It's time to finally Secure Your Sh*tTM.'s because they are.
Why? Because they're just as confused about all of this as you. And do about as much, too.
Check out these stats about small businesses:
It's really no wonder that half of all cyberattacks target SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses). But to be honest, large businesses aren't much better.
AND even if they DID do a great job (they aren't), the fact is that they cannot control all the factors necessary to keep your accounts safe. A lot of that is on you.
Unfortunately, most small businesses really are open on multiple levels. A hacker sees this and thinks, "Don't mind if I do!"
There's only one thing you can do about it:
Take control of your online security
This is you, thinking about this topic.
Which brings its own set of headaches, because now you're wondering...
The good news is that it's both easier and less expensive to secure your shit than you think. Especially when you have a guide. (Also: Keep the Zoom camera off and no one will know.)
Secure Your Sh*t: A course for people who've been ignoring their online security, don't know where to start, or who want to be 100% confident they are doing all they can is for people like YOU, who have NOT been doing what you need to do to keep you, yours, and your business safe online.
This is a program that is designed to help you finally IMPLEMENT your online security.
It is specifically designed for folks like you, who want to be safe online but don't have all the time, knowledge, and experience to pull it together on their own.
The areas that we address include:
BONUS Modules
You have special circumstances and things you need to worry about. For that reason, you will have access to BONUS modules.
Additional modules are likely to be added based on YOUR needs.
What's Included
(so much good stuff!)
My mission is to make cybersecurity as unscary and accessible as I possibly can. That means I walk you through the review and analysis, and you implement the recommendations.
We will laugh. I'll tell a few stories. It's possible I will swear. And once we're done, your personal cybersecurity will be in great shape, and you'll be surprised at just how painless it was.
Here's what you get:
These prices are accurate (if not a bit low) and why you've always thought that getting your cybersecurity set up was so damn expensive. You'll get all of this PLUS a list of resources so you save money AND time.
This is what I should probably be charging for this course, if not more.
Here's a secret that no one seems to want you to know: The human element of cybersecurity (in other words, what PEOPLE should do) isn't that complicated, and it's pretty much the same for everyone. That's why I am offering only ONE course like this.
That said, there are specific things you need to worry about when you wear certain hats. For that reason, I've added BONUS Modules. These are sample modules. If you have a concern that isn't addressed below, let me know and I'll create the module for it.
(In additional to below, I plan to include: Working with Virtual Assistants, Teams, Artists, Travelers/Digital Nomads, and others.)
How much can you afford to lose?
If you can say "No" to any of these questions, know this: Each one of these questions are based on real life situations. And it didn't usually end well for the entrepreneur or business owner.
Social Media Influencers
How important is your platform and reputation?
If your response to any of these questions is "OMG, what a nightmare!" or "I think I'd start start crying," then it is time to limit your exposure. Join Secure Your Shit. I promise not to bite.
Working from Home
What happens when you work from home?
Does your organization have an intranet? What if it doesn't work?
Do you handle sensitive or proprietary data?
What extra steps should you take if you're working from home?
Since the pandemic, working from home is now pretty common in many organizations. If you do, your employer is trusting that your online habits will keep their business safe. If it's your business, you should still be paying attention and take this module.
How do you protect your littles online?
What is safe to share online?
What do you need to teach your kids so that they have great online habits?
What should you do when you find out your kid has a finsta? (You definitely need this course if you don't know what that is.)
Is it true that SnapChat deletes everything? (Sadly, no.)
Your kids are growing up in a world very different than you did. They are used to oversharing and constant surveillance, but they want it on their terms. Your job is to protect them while you can, and make sure they have what they need when they are old enough to make their own decisions.
"It's so marvelous to have someone understand what the average person feels and thinks relating to cyber risk. The courses and content shared are presented in a way so that people like me will understand and use."
Paloma Guerrero
"After I was hacked and had thousands of dollars stolen, I hired Natalie to do an audit. For the money and time that the hackers took from me, the investment to ensure this will never happen again is more than worth it, and I only wish that I had taken it seriously before. Don’t wait until something happens to you! Let Natalie work her magic!"
Heather Brice
Business & Clarity Coach
"Natalie explains cybersecurity in smaller bits of information that make it much more understandable and accessible. I now know that I might not have control over every aspect of security on the internet, but I do have control over my personal behavior and how to keep my business safe online."
Jamie Cerna
Life Coach
Shannon Melizan, Mindset & Wellness Coach
Sunny Statari, Business Coach for Digital Nomads
Urška Jakobčič, Life Coach for Busy Moms
This course is evergreen, and my goal is to release at least 1 bonus module a month. You get access to all of them, regardless of when you purchase or take the course. Office hours are offered regularly (2x/mo).
Once you sign up, you have access to everything that is already available. Twice a month, we will have at least two co-working/office hours session (more if demand warrants it). These will be done through Zoom and support will be available in Slack and the Facebook group.
You will only have access to the training and bonus modules. While I will be recording the co-working/office hours, they will not be available, since people will be asking questions based on their own circumstances. I do not expose anyone's vulnerability unless I am telling a story, and even then, names are changed to protect them.
The best way is through Slack or the Facebook group. If neither of those work, you can also use email. You will get all of this info once you sign up.
Me, too! There's no other course like it that I could find online. In fact, my goal is to have at least 10,000 people take this course in 2024, and to do that, I need help. So what I've done is create a couple ways where you can get involved, either to share it with your clients for a one-time fee, or to make money through affiliate marketing.
Are you content creator or affiliate marketer to wants to share this course and make great money?
If money motivates you and you want to be an affiliate, let's talk!
The affiliate rate starts at 20%.
Yep, starts. Unlike many programs that stay the same or will discount your rate as you sell more, we will increase your rate. Plus other incentives!
Are you a coach or service provider who would like to add cybersec training to your offerings for your clients?
Let's talk.
I'm offering Secure Your Sh*t to coaches and service providers who want to share it with their clients as part of their menu of offerings. Whether you charge extra or simply use it as an bonus (unpaid) add-on is up to you. You pay for it once, and that's it. It's like MRR, but with a twist.
What you get: The main modules, workbook (+ other documents), etc., plus up to three additional bonus modules of your choice.
Let me take you from this... this.
In less time than you expect.
Want someone to do it for you or to walk you through getting it done?
Take advantage of our 1:1 service or VIP day.
What's the difference? Get the analysis done in one day and I'll create the report for you.
Head on over to that page to schedule a call.
Cybersecurity for Humans and cybersec4humans are trademarked (TM) by Cybersecurity for Humans LLC